How do Second Mortgages Work?
If you need money and own a home, you can get a second mortgage! Do you need to remodel your home, have bills that you need to pay or many a big ticket item that you want to buy? If so, a Canadian second mortgage could help you get the money you need today for a better tomorrow. Here we’re going to talk about how these work and why you should work with a Toronto mortgage broker like us to get the best deal. Let’s get started.
What is a Second Mortgage?
A second mortgage is a lot like your first mortgage, but a little different. Depending on how much you’ve paid off from your first mortgage, you may be able to delay payment on your second mortgage for up to 25 years. This is where it pays to understand all of the terms of your mortgage, and why you want to work with a Toronto mortgage broker to make things work out in your favour.
When you apply for a second mortgage, you’ll need to fill out paperwork like you did for your first mortgage; you will need to bring some identification documents with you, but we can help you know which one of these you’ll need. After that, we’ll help you go over your application and figure out what areas need improving and if this is the right time to apply for a mortgage. You may want to work on your credit so you can get the lowest interest rate possible (up to 2.75% in some cases!)
Aren’t Second Mortgages Expensive?
This will really depend on the type of lender you go with and their attitude towards you. If you have poor or bad credit, you may be better off avoiding more traditional lenders. This way you’ll be able to get the financing that you need without any of the hassles of being paired with the wrong lender. If you’re looking for a quick loan that you can pay off in a short term (shorter than many 25 year mortgages go anyway), you may want to choose a conventional lender.
Is a Second Mortgage Right for You?
It’s hard to evaluate your case; everyone is different and has their own unique needs! This is why it’s important to evaluate why you want to take out this loan. Speak with one of our Toronto mortgage brokers to see if this is the right choice for you. Some common uses for second mortgages are:
Home Repairs and Remodels: a home repair and remodel can go a long way towards making sure your home is ready to be sold.
Paying off Debts: From credit card debts to private hospital bills, home equity can help you cover it. If you’re in the process of debt consolidation you may need a lump sum for settling your debt.
Bridge Financing: if you’re in the process of buying a home and selling a previous one, you can get a special kind of second mortgage known as a “bridge mortgage” to help you fill in the financing gaps.
Looking to apply for a second mortgage? Click here!